Sunday, July 26, 2009


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I had my Formal on Friday Night
It was so so so much better than last years
i am extremely glad that i went
Zach's mum bought me a corsage
It was so pretty
But about half way through the formal it was looking like this
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We had a limo which was very surreal and fun
i just slept for 15 hours and i'm still tired
I will post the professsinal photos when i have time to scan them
for now i am going to go make breakfast and go to work
Image Source: Other People from the formal as my mum stole my camera and took it to europe with her :|


  1. :) you look so beautiful! did you get a spray tan done? because you're a wonderful colour haha. ive got my formal coming up and i want to be about your shade of tan ;)... so where did you go (if you did?)
    and the corsage is gorgeous, i still have mine in the freezer from last year :)
