Sunday, August 16, 2009

They say we can love who we trust, But what is love without lust?

My dad's been in Las Vegas for the past three weeks
before that i was at my grandmas for two weeks
and before that i was at my mum's house for a week
i haven't been to dad's house for 6 weeks
i'm dying from blog deprevation
i have had very very very limited access to internet
so i havent read any of my favourites in sooo long
tomorrow i go to my dads :) im oh so very excited
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Image Sources: 1.Dean Quinn

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I want to send a quick hello and welcome you to a new blog we have. Being a blogger myself, I am interning for an eco-friendly fashion magazine (which you can go see it yourself at ). I am in charge of writing for their blog and would like you to come take a look and if you see you like it, stay with us and follow. I have so many ideas and would enjoy for you to stay in touch.
    Go here:

    -Kristina Krug
