Sunday, July 26, 2009


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I had my Formal on Friday Night
It was so so so much better than last years
i am extremely glad that i went
Zach's mum bought me a corsage
It was so pretty
But about half way through the formal it was looking like this
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We had a limo which was very surreal and fun
i just slept for 15 hours and i'm still tired
I will post the professsinal photos when i have time to scan them
for now i am going to go make breakfast and go to work
Image Source: Other People from the formal as my mum stole my camera and took it to europe with her :|

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Drowning in pink poppies

Sorry about lack of posts
my mum and grandpa are in canada and ireland
so my sister and i are at the grandmothers for the week to stop her loneliness :)
Formal Tomorrow
Haven't decided on shoes yet or what shade of orange i prefer for fake tan haha
will post photos on saturday
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Image Source: We Heart It?

Friday, July 17, 2009

blue lips, blue veins, blue the colour of our planet from far far away

I want full lips
Red Lipstick

Formal in 1 week :)
I bought a dress from Dejcuba for $170 its nice
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Image Sources: Wildfox Couture

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lovely loves...

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Image Sources: 1,3,5,10 - Gemma Booth 2,6,8,9, 12 -Unknown 11 - Me 7-Chris Craymer

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Forever is a long long time when you lost your way

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Eyes :)

I'm in an unhappy mood at the moment and this picture made me smile

I went to buy a dress for my formal that is in 2 weeks
silver silk
wayne cooper
(saw it last week and there were 7 there so i didn't layby it)
today i went to buy it and they were all gone
so the lady rang the supplier for me and we found one store with some
rang them and they'd sold there last 3 today
so there is none left in my state!!
Gahhhh why me? why now?
I'm not in the mood for trying to find a replacement
Image Source: Chris Craymer

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Well, I turn around to look at you, you're nowwhere to be found

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I watched a fantastic movie yesterday

It was called The Reader

I cried at least 10 times during it

It starred Kate Winslet (she was fabulous)

Everytime she laughed it made me think of Titanic, which tells me I’ve probably seen that movie one too many times

Its about a love affair between a 15 year old and a 30(?) year old post war in Germany

Umm yeah I don’t know how to describe it in ways to make you want to see it but please go rent it now!

Wrote you this, I hope you got it safe, It's been so long...I don't know what to say

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I had taken it when the bushfires were pretty bad and had turned the sun red
I remember seeing a red glow in my bedroom which alerted me to the sun
When i went outside to take a photo of it
The sting of the smoke stung my eyes and so i took this photo without looking
Apologies for the crap photography 
but i like it as its a little reminder of the bushfires
as they seem to be forgotten pretty quickly by us all

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Image Sources: Annabel Mehran, Me, Steve Chapple, Unknown, The Sartorialist, Sophie Richards (sensing-owls)