This christmas had the potential to be the worst christmas ever because...
- I asked everyone for spending money for France [which is good but then not much fun opening money on christmas]
- I've wanted a Mac Computer for AGES and dad got me excited asking me about where he can buy them etc. and then he said they were too expensive so i was very annoyed at that
- Mum didn't even want dad to come over to our house in the morning like he has done ever since they separated to give us our presents because her new 'Partner' and Dad don't get along very well
- Dad asked us to go 'Christmas Light Hunting' with him [which is where we drive around looking at christmas lights in random streets] which we used to do when we were like 5
But then it turned out to be possibly the best one ever...
- Actually had a good time christmas light hunting we all went on a bit of a high and took photos outside the houses and stuff so it was funny
- Opened our presents from Mum and 'Santa' and the ones from her boyfriend and i raked in the cash haha i got lots of Euros for my upcoming Europe Trip
- Opened presents from Dad which was a new camera Dad also bought us an IMac =D sooo exciting
- I spent the rest of the day playing Rockband and games on the NintendoDs
1 Month Until France & London!